Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's MAKEOVER Time!!!

While we were in Abilene this weekend for Garrison's graduation, we went to this store called the Furniture Junk-it.  Let me tell is such a neat and fun store.  They go out to estate sales and garage sales and buy older furniture.  Their store is basically a large warehouse where they display all of the furniture that is for sale.  Once you have picked out your piece, you can then decide what color you want it painted and they paint it and then distress it.  I was looking for some furniture for Kallaway's big boy room.  I am planning on redoing his room in the next few months and he will need furniture.  The furniture in his future room is all antiques and he is way to young for they are really girly.  I was sooooo excited when I found this dresser and nightstand.....
I looove this dresser!!  I am having it painted black and they will replace the current knobs with wooden knobs.  I think it will look gorgeous once it is done.

And this nightstand is the perfect addition to his dresser.  It will also be painted black and have wooden knobs as well.  I can't wait to see what these pieces will look like once they have been painted and distressed.  The only downfall to this store is that it can take up to 6-8 weeks to get your finished furniture pieces.  Now I just need to find him a bed so we can have it painted and distressed too!!  I wish his room was done so I could see the finished product.  Now to find some patience.....

Friday, May 25, 2012

Last Day of 2nd grade

Where in the world has this school year gone???  I cannot believe that Kinsley's 2nd grade year is already over.  She has had a wonderful school year once again.  I am so thankful that our kids get the advantages of living in a small town.  One of the best advantages is our wonderful teachers.  Kinsley has been truly blessed with wonderful teachers each year and Mrs. Hollingsworth is definitely no exception to this.  Kinsley has continued to learn and grow as a student.  She had straight A's all year again and we simply couldn't be more proud of her if we tried.

Our school has been under construction this year.  In fact, Kinsley's classroom was in a portable building right outside of the school.  Idalou continues to grow and they are in the process of doing a lot of remodeling.  Today the classes were able to go into the school to eat donuts for the last day.  Here is a picture of Kinsley and her class lining the hall of the newly remodeled building.

Silly girl!

Kinsley and her cousin Riley

Kinsley and Mrs. Hollingsworth

When Mrs. Hollingsworth's class went back to their "portable" classroom, the door wouldn't unlock.  Apparently the lock mechanism broke inside the door.  It took them probably 25 minutes to get us back into their classroom.  

When all else fails to get you into the break the window.  Such a funny way to end the year!

I now have a 3rd grader(and hopefully a Pre-K student too)!!!  

Monday, May 21, 2012

2nd Grade Field Day

Today was the 2nd Grade's end of school field day.  They basically spend all day outside playing all sorts of fun games.  Several of the parents in Kinsley's class got together and decided to go and watch them compete against the other classrooms.  Mrs. Hollingsworth's class color was black so all of the kids in her class were supposed to dress in black for the events.  They competed in jump rope relays, potato relays, running relays and even a good ole fashioned tug-o-war.  It was so much fun watching all of the kids compete against the other classrooms.  They definitely took this seriously!
All "blacked" out and ready to go!

Kinsley's class waiting for their next event

Potato racing

Apparently holding your hand up in the air helps with balancing the potato...ha

All of us parents were sitting there enjoying watching our kids have fun when Mrs. Beaty told them that the parents there watching were going to join in on the fun.  All of us parents also competed in the jump rope races.  Kinsley snagged my camera, of course, and took a few pics of her momma jumping rope.  Note to self.....wear tennis shoes for the next field day I attend instead of flip flops!

Passing off the jump rope to Amy

Sweet and silly, Kendi


Kinsley's class playing tug-o-war

Once the kids were done playing tug-o-war, Mrs. Beaty informed us once again that we parents would be competing.  There was a major unfair disadvantage in the woman/man ratio.  So...several women paired up with the two men that were there and then us remaining women paired up together.  We women were determined to beat the other team since they had two men helping them.  Once again Kinsley grabbed the camera....too bad she didn't get any shots of our faces.  I am sure they would have been priceless.  In the end.....our team of ALL women....WON!!!  YAY!!

Great job sure was fun to watch us dragging Marnie's feet through the sand pit!

Who knew playing tug-o-war hurt your hands so much...HA!  It was a fun morning with my sweet girl and her classmates!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bridal Shower Fun

Today was Benita's bridal shower.  I am so happy for her and can hardly wait for the day they say "I do".  Benita received lots of wonderful gifts and it was great getting to see so many people.
Benita and her nieces...Gabby, Avaree and Kinsley

Opening her gifts

Such good helpers....Gabby, Kallaway and Avaree

The beautiful Bride-To-Be

My sister in laws ~ Ericca, Benita, Audrey and I

My MIL and her "big" girls

Poor bubba...he was the only boy at the shower...such a hard life!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Oh. My. Goodness!!!

All of the kids were hanging out at my parents house this weekend playing outside.  They were playing in these giant cardboard boxes and having a blast.  They were playing "house" and since Kallaway is the youngest, he was playing the baby of the family.  I walked closer to see what they were doing and saw this....
Oh. My. Word......there are sooo many things wrong with this picture!!!  Geez!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Future Vet??

This little girl loves animals.  Not just her pet....all animals.  If we would let her she would have a house full.  I am so thankful that she has such a sweet, loving and tender heart for people and animals.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Such A Mean Momma

My poor little boy's hands are awful.  As in, they are peeling like crazy, he picks at his cuticles and he bites at his fingernails.  They look as though they are very painful.  I have gotten him to quit biting on his nails for the most part, but he picks at his cuticles constantly.  His poor little hands were in need of some major moisture.  So, I did what every concerned momma would do.....
I waited until the little stinker was asleep and put therapeutic lotion on his hands and then I covered them in socks for him to sleep in all night!  Oh, what a mother's love won't think of! ;)

Monday, May 7, 2012

2nd Grade Field Trip

Today was Kinsley's field trip with her 2nd grade class.  They went to a park in a Lubbock and then they went to the Science Spectrum.  The Science Spectrum is a really cool place with a lot of exhibits that the kids can play with.
Kinsley and Kendi at the cool bubble display

Kinsley sitting in the cool air plane exhibit

Such a sweet smile

The cool balloon vacuum lift 

More fun bubble exhibits

It was a great day for Kinsley and her classmates.  They enjoyed getting out of school for the day and goofing around.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Classroom Celebration

Since today was Kinsley's birthday, I decided to take cupcakes to her class.  She had a wonderful time celebrating her birthday with all of her classmates.

Unfortunately I never got a group picture of them all.  Maybe next year I will remember. I love you Miss Priss!!

Happy 8th Birthday, Kinsley!!

Wow!  How in the world has it been 8 years since Chris and I became parents?  Our lives were forever changed when that 7lb. 5oz. baby girl entered this world.  She has taught us so much....the best of all, truly unconditional love.

Kinsley Jennings,

You bring your dad and I so much joy that I don't even know where to begin.  You are the sweetest, smartest, most tender-hearted little girl I know of.  You are so wise beyond your years and you are only eight.  I can't wait to see what the next eight years hold for you, pretty girl.  I just hope that the next eight years go slower than the first eight.  We love you to the moon and back!

All our love,
Daddy and Mommy